Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year!

Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
You would of course want your Baroness to stay nice and cool in the August heat! And whilst my love of shiny latex is well known my extensive wardrobe of leather is less appreciated.
On a day like to day the soft supple genuine breathable leather hide is what I want against my skin. It keeps me that bit cooler when I am dealing with all of you my devoted beta male
Whilst it may not shine like a second skin as rubber does. My Leather is tight enough to to give the impression I was poured into it. The sound it makes when I am near you and the smell you will inhale from my beautifully oiled cowhide will only add to your ordeal.
You of course rarely have that problem. Locked away in my wonderfully cool cells. You are likely fetal on the thin leather mattress ready to be collected. Naked but for your steel cock cage, the one that you protested against wearing because when the lock snapped shut it seemed more than snug.
If you are an overnighter I can only hope for your sake it will be removed before you are locked down for the night. Your regular 4.00am 'morning glory,' that likely puts in an appearance religiously will have you screaming the Residence down. That erection prohibitor will simply not allow you to swell.
You could hit the panic button and I will of course come running. Your welfare is always my priority, and any alert I take seriously, but how will you explain to me you have awoken me because you are having issues with your erection! Your appendage at times does appear to let you down. Maybe you are in possession of one of natures few design flaws.
But as I have already said at least you are cool and away from the soaring temperatures. Not roasting in the baked in heat of so many structures. So much so that the August sun on your naked body felt so good as you were collected from you cell. Chain snapped onto your collar walking naked behind me wondering which of the two dungeons, Dungeon Number One or the Troy Room, you would be taken to.
You are aware that both dungeons are airconditioned so your core temperature will not get out of hand despite being my plaything for the foreseeable future. It is my time now and you are going to facilitate my joy.
You can watch Agent in Place at FemaleSupremacy.com I have been busy filming so there are regular new releases. I expect you to subscribe! click the link www.femalesupremacy.com/members/join
Psychology and mind games are all good and well, but is there anything more effective than a good sound over the knee thrashing? My entourage and those that serve in and around my Residence know well enough about the power a strong Woman can possess. Especially when equipped with the right weapon for the job. Ambidexterity in my case adds a certain jeopardy to your plight.
When over my lap it fascinates me to feel your appendage resting so close to my thighs. I often wonder whether it will shrivel at your humiliation or grow due to the erotic charge stemming from the situation you find yourself in. I cannot help but hope for the latter on the basis that having a hard cock to paddle offers me a certain satisfaction. Oh the joy of seeing your eyes liquefy at the first impact.
But as with rewards and bonus, discipline is as justly deserved. That is not to say I do not like to make life challenging for my slaves. There is always plenty of scope for you to fall short. Traps to fall foul of. Hesitancy in executing a command or commitment to it will quickly find your derriere changing to a crimson state.
Bravery, sincerity and loyalty will always gain favour hiding behind an email will not.
I hope you all enjoy the little attached film clip. I enjoy my tennis and as some of you have found out I like to use a male slave as target practice. Especially if I feel my aim is a little off.
You can of course see the complete film at www.FemaleSupremacy.com/members/join I am sure you want to delve a little further into my world which you can do at FemaleSupremacy.com
Listed here you will find my updates, availability and travel plans. I will also look to describe my thoughts and fantasies that are the fabric of my life